Get behind the wheel and take to the road in Contract Racer, the latest addition to the lineup of exciting car games. Weave your way between vehicles to escape the crush of traffic and finish each contract in the fastest time possible—but stay vigilant, or you’ll crash and burn before you ever reach your goal. This isn’t just racing, it’s contract racing!
Unlike other racing games, Contract Racer has multiple types of challenges to complete. You’re a contractor with contracts to fulfill, and that means your driving talents will be needed in a variety of situations. Drive a taxi, a sedan, an ambulance, and more—whatever the situation calls for.
Sometimes you’ll be in a fast-paced race against the clock, fighting to reach your goal before time expires. Other times the police will be hot on your heels, and you’ll need to escape. Still other times, you’ll find yourself in a competitive race against other cars. No matter what your objective is, you must rise to the challenge.
Race through 16 different courses, each with its own goals and requirements, and unlock the next course with each one you complete. Your contracts will take you from the desert to snowy fields and beyond. Can you complete all 16 races?
View your car from behind in third-person view or watch the action up close with first-person view. Whichever camera you prefer for driving games is up to you, and you can switch easily between the two perspectives during any race.
Once you’ve mastered a course, check out the Contract Racer leaderboards to see you how your racing skills compare with the best of the best. If the leaderboards aren’t for you, your times are saved, so you can always work to beat your own high score.
Dapatkan di belakang kemudi dan mengambil ke jalan dalam Kontrak Racer, tambahan terbaru ke lineup game mobil menarik. Tenunan jalan antara kendaraan untuk melarikan diri menghancurkan lalu lintas dan menyelesaikan setiap kontrak dalam waktu tercepat mungkin-tapi tetap waspada, atau Anda akan jatuh dan terbakar sebelum Anda mencapai tujuan Anda. Hal ini tidak hanya balap, itu racing kontrak!
Tidak seperti game racing lainnya, kontrak pembalap memiliki beberapa jenis tantangan untuk menyelesaikan. Anda seorang kontraktor dengan kontrak untuk memenuhi, dan itu berarti bakat mengemudi Anda akan dibutuhkan dalam berbagai situasi. Mengemudi taksi, sedan, ambulans, dan lebih-apa situasi panggilan untuk.
Kadang-kadang Anda akan berada di perlombaan cepat melawan waktu, berjuang untuk mencapai tujuan Anda sebelum waktu berakhir. Lain kali polisi akan panas di tumit Anda, dan Anda akan perlu untuk melarikan diri. Masih lain waktu, Anda akan menemukan diri Anda dalam perlombaan kompetitif terhadap mobil lain. Tidak peduli apa tujuan Anda adalah, Anda harus bangkit untuk tantangan.
Race melalui 16 program yang berbeda, masing-masing dengan tujuan dan persyaratan sendiri, dan membuka kursus berikutnya dengan masing-masing Anda lengkap. kontrak Anda akan membawa Anda dari gurun ke ladang bersalju dan seterusnya. Dapatkah Anda menyelesaikan semua 16 balapan?
Lihat mobil Anda dari belakang dalam pandangan orang ketiga atau menonton aksi dekat dengan pandangan orang pertama. kamera mana yang Anda inginkan untuk mengemudi permainan terserah Anda, dan Anda dapat beralih dengan mudah antara dua perspektif saat balapan apapun.
leaderboards online
Setelah Anda menguasai kursus, memeriksa leaderboards Kontrak pembalap untuk melihat bagaimana keterampilan balap Anda bandingkan dengan yang terbaik dari yang terbaik. Jika leaderboards tidak untuk Anda, kali Anda akan disimpan, sehingga Anda dapat selalu bekerja untuk mengalahkan skor tinggi Anda sendiri.
Get behind the wheel and take to the road in Contract Racer, the latest addition to the lineup of exciting car games. Weave your way between vehicles to escape the crush of traffic and finish each contract in the fastest time possible—but stay vigilant, or you’ll crash and burn before you ever reach your goal. This isn’t just racing, it’s contract racing!
Unlike other racing games, Contract Racer has multiple types of challenges to complete. You’re a contractor with contracts to fulfill, and that means your driving talents will be needed in a variety of situations. Drive a taxi, a sedan, an ambulance, and more—whatever the situation calls for.
Sometimes you’ll be in a fast-paced race against the clock, fighting to reach your goal before time expires. Other times the police will be hot on your heels, and you’ll need to escape. Still other times, you’ll find yourself in a competitive race against other cars. No matter what your objective is, you must rise to the challenge.
Race through 16 different courses, each with its own goals and requirements, and unlock the next course with each one you complete. Your contracts will take you from the desert to snowy fields and beyond. Can you complete all 16 races?
View your car from behind in third-person view or watch the action up close with first-person view. Whichever camera you prefer for driving games is up to you, and you can switch easily between the two perspectives during any race.
Once you’ve mastered a course, check out the Contract Racer leaderboards to see you how your racing skills compare with the best of the best. If the leaderboards aren’t for you, your times are saved, so you can always work to beat your own high score.